Hello Sobat Gudang Liong, pagi ini saya akan share kata Demonstratives dalam bahasa inggris, yang tentunya sangat membantu dalam menunjukkan jarak, pastinya kalian pernah denger this,that, these, those, okay, mari kita belajar bersama pagi ini, untuk melatih otak :)
This/that/these/those menunjukkan jarak relatif antara orang sedang berbicara dan sebuah kata benda.This menunjuk pada sesuatu yang terletak di dekat orang yang sedang bicara, thatmenunjuk pada sesuatu yang jauh dari orang yang sedang bicara. These adalah bentuk jamak dari this, dan those adalah bentuk jamak dari that.. Perhatikan gambar berikut:
Terkadang kata-kata penunjuk juga bisa menjadi kata ganti, misalnya:
- “This is my Mom.” Mom sedang berada di dekat pembicara
- “These are my books”. Books sedang berada di dekat pembicara
- “I don’t like that.” Saya tidak menyukai sesuatu (yang sedang jauh dari saya)
Terkadang kata-kata penunjuk juga bisa menjadi kata sifat, misalnya:
- That man is a doctor
- I like those jackets
- I don’t like that movie
Contoh penggunaan dalam percakapan
1) Hey, these hot dogs look good.
Yep, I like them too. Try some of those tacos as well, they’re delicious.
OK. And what’s this?
That’s chicken soup, it’s really good too. Eat up!
Yep, I like them too. Try some of those tacos as well, they’re delicious.
OK. And what’s this?
That’s chicken soup, it’s really good too. Eat up!
2) Do you like this sweater?
Yea, that looks good. I like this one as well.
Oh yea, that looks great! It goes well with these shorts.
And these boots are cool as well. Try them on!
Oh yea. I want the shorts, boots, and the sweater.
Let’s buy them!
Yea, that looks good. I like this one as well.
Oh yea, that looks great! It goes well with these shorts.
And these boots are cool as well. Try them on!
Oh yea. I want the shorts, boots, and the sweater.
Let’s buy them!
3) These pants are really big.
Look at these pants. They’re so small!
How about those shoes?
Which shoes?
Look, those. They look really weird.
Come on, let’s go to a different store. We need the right size!
Look at these pants. They’re so small!
How about those shoes?
Which shoes?
Look, those. They look really weird.
Come on, let’s go to a different store. We need the right size!
Kosa kata baru:
These = ini (jamak) hot dog = hot dog try = coba taco = taco as well = juga delicious = lezat and = dan soup = sup sweater = sweater looks good = kelihatan bagus this one = yang ini | Shorts = celana pendek boots = sepatu boot cool = dingin pants = celana so = begitu small = kecil which = yang mana weird = aneh different = berbeda right = benar/tepat size = ukuran |
Silakan kerjakan latihan-latihan berikut (tautan akan membuka jendela baru dan mengarah ke website lain).
Latihan 1 – Demonstratives (kata penunjuk) ->> click to exam
this is a little science than i can share to you, I get From The Internet and my science,
but I hope can be help you,
english languange must be learn step by step, so reading and absorb.
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g hoby b.inggris sob, hehehe
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